刘力扬——一个人就好~(got eng sub ;D )
街 挤满了欢笑
The street is filled with joyous laughter
太不适合 眼泪凑热闹
it's not fitting for tears to join the party
快跑 快寻找 无人的转角
hurry and run, hurry and search, for a lonely corner
不优雅时候 一个人最好
in disgraceful times, being alone is the best
爱 说退就退潮
love, its tides go so soon
我松开手 回忆却没放掉
I let go of your hands, but cannot let go of the memories
未来 不来了 地球 继续绕
the future, won't come back; the earth, continues to spin
躲回温暖的梦 我一个人就好
Hide away in my warm dreams; I'm fine by myself
为什么 越相信谁能依靠
Why is it that the more I believe and trust
越换来 又一次灵魂寂寥
the more I receive the loneliness of the soul
有没有永远 再不会让心绝望的解药
Is there an andidote that will never let the heart disappoint?
如果说 越踏出世界一脚
If it's true, that the more steps I take in the world
越不能 保留住天真微笑
the less I can keep my innocent smile
那从今以后 我一个人过 就很好
then from now on, I'll be fine living alone
心 很平静地跳
the heart, calmly beats
只是寂寞 潜伏像海啸
but loneliness is hidding like a Tsunami
突然某一秒 偷袭我眼角
suddenly, one moment, it hits my eyes
眼泪自己擦掉 我一个人很好
I'll wipe off my own tears, Ill be fine by myself
I'll be fine by myself
The street is filled with joyous laughter
太不适合 眼泪凑热闹
it's not fitting for tears to join the party
快跑 快寻找 无人的转角
hurry and run, hurry and search, for a lonely corner
不优雅时候 一个人最好
in disgraceful times, being alone is the best
爱 说退就退潮
love, its tides go so soon
我松开手 回忆却没放掉
I let go of your hands, but cannot let go of the memories
未来 不来了 地球 继续绕
the future, won't come back; the earth, continues to spin
躲回温暖的梦 我一个人就好
Hide away in my warm dreams; I'm fine by myself
为什么 越相信谁能依靠
Why is it that the more I believe and trust
越换来 又一次灵魂寂寥
the more I receive the loneliness of the soul
有没有永远 再不会让心绝望的解药
Is there an andidote that will never let the heart disappoint?
如果说 越踏出世界一脚
If it's true, that the more steps I take in the world
越不能 保留住天真微笑
the less I can keep my innocent smile
那从今以后 我一个人过 就很好
then from now on, I'll be fine living alone
心 很平静地跳
the heart, calmly beats
只是寂寞 潜伏像海啸
but loneliness is hidding like a Tsunami
突然某一秒 偷袭我眼角
suddenly, one moment, it hits my eyes
眼泪自己擦掉 我一个人很好
I'll wipe off my own tears, Ill be fine by myself
I'll be fine by myself